Sigmund Freud was one of the first prominent intellectuals who endorsed the 1920 theory that "William Shake-Speare" was a pseudonym of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford. It is time that psychoanalysts-- and others-- re-examine Freud's theory about Shake-Speare open-mindedly. Those who accept the overwhelming evidence that de Vere wrote the works of Shake-Speare are known as Oxfordians. Psychoanalysts who reach the same conclusion might be called Oxfreudians.
The premiere review of English literary scholarship, The Year's Work in English Studies, wrote of my 2010 article on the Sonnets: "Inferring the sexuality of the sonnets’ author directly from the sonnets’ speaker, and allowing for less poetic license than other critics, Waugaman’s article, ‘The Bisexuality of Shakespeare’s Sonnets and Implications for de Vere’s Authorship,’ argues that ‘the wish to disconnect art from life … is strongly influenced by homophobic readings of Shakespeare.’ "
Much poetic license is needed to reconcile the facts about William Shakspere of Stratford with the contention that he was the author of the Shake-Speare canon. I invite you to explore this fascinating topic with an open mind. I include here many of my 100-plus publications on Shake-Speare and the related topic of the psychology of pseudonymity.
I was named the 2021 Oxfordian of the Year by the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship.